The Perfect Time to Invest in Izmir
At Onway Property, we continue to provide tailored solutions in Izmir's dynamic real estate market. With its unmatched beauty and growing opportunities, the city offers incredible investment potential...
At Onway Property, we continue to provide tailored solutions in Izmir's dynamic real estate market. With its unmatched beauty and growing opportunities, the city offers incredible investment potential...
The Turkish Statistical Institute (TUIK) has announced the housing sales for November, revealing that 8,583 properties were sold in İzmir, making it one of the cities with the highest number of housi
In central districts like Bornova, Bayraklı, and Konak, the demand for modern residential projects has reached record levels. Proximity to workplaces and a variety of social amenities have led to a 6
Izmir has been undergoing significant changes in the real estate sector in recent years. The city’s growing population, developing infrastructure projects, new transportation lines, and urban transf
Tenant-Landlord Relations Remain TenseThe strained relations between tenants and landlords continue due to rising living costs and increasing rents. While tenants complain about skyrocketing rental pr
Property Tax Second Installment Payment: Deadlines and MethodsAs November comes to an end, property and land owners are once again focusing on the second installment payment of the property tax. Taxpa
Special Credit Opportunities for Those Looking to Buy a House Have BegunBanks are now offering attractive credit opportunities with reduced interest rates for those looking to buy a house. In the past
Nach der Aktualisierung der Zinssätze durch die Zentralbank haben auch einige öffentliche und private Banken ihre Zinssätze für Wohnungsbaudarlehen angepasst.Im ersten Monat des neuen Jahres erhö
Im November 2023 stieg der Hauspreisindex, der im Vergleich zum Vormonat um 1,9 Prozent zulegte, im Vergleich zum Vorjahresmonat nominal um 82,8 Prozent und real um 12,4 Prozent.Die türkische Zentral
Housing sales across Turkey decreased by 35.6 percent in April compared to the same month of the previous year and became 85 thousand 652.The Turkish Statistical Institute (TurkStat) has announced the